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Curve Vase Mini, Blue - 2. QUALITY

Curve Vase Mini, Blue - 2. QUALITY

Regular price 119,00 DKK
Regular price 349,00 DKK Sale price 119,00 DKK
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NB: This is a 2. quality product / sample, which can have minor defects

With its curved shape and clear light blue color, the Curve Vase Mini is an elegant addition to your home. The petite size makes this glass vase the perfect choice for smaller bouquets, such as part of a beautiful table setting. Whether you aim for a classic expression or want to add a fresh splash of color to your decor, the vase is the perfect option.

The vase is mouth-blown in quality glass with a captivating glass effect, which particularly shines when the rays of the sun hit the glass. Each and every vase is unique, and the expression varies from vase to vase.

About 2. quality: The vase can have small scratches, unevenness in the shape or colour, have small shards or bubbles that are too big to be sold in stores. Defects are not noticed from a bit of distance. Cannot be returned.


Ø14 x H12,5 cm



Product care

Tør produktet af med en fugtig klud på ydersiden, når støvet melder sig. Bruger du rengøringsmidler, så husk at anvende en slags, som er beregnet til overflader af glas. Er vask nødvendig, anbefales nænsom håndvask. Undgå grove køkkensvampe og opvaskebørster, for at mindske risikoen for ridser. Skrubbes der for hårdt, kan farveændringer forekomme.

Handmade product

Denne vase er et håndlavet produkt i mundblæst glas. Det betyder, at du kan opleve mindre forskelle i farve, struktur og størrelse, hvilket er med til at gøre hver vase unik. Inspireret af himlen, varierer glaseffekten fra vase til vase.

Country of origin


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Blålilla Crooked glasfad, grøn Icon lysestage 02, beige Lake keramikskål og blå Cloud glasvase - Stences

Long-lasting designs

When we develop products, it is always with durability in focus. For example, we work exclusively in long-lasting materials such as glass, ceramics, steel and oak, all of which have an almost lifetime-long lifespan. The design itself is also developed, so that each product can be toned down according to how your personal style, which usually develops over the years.

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