
Our stock sale will be online from Nov 20! Save up to 75% on Danish design for the personal home.

  • Physical stock sale in Holstebro (DK)

    Wednesday the 22nd of Nov from 10am to 5 pm
    Thursday the 23rd of Nov from 10 am to 5 pm
    Friday the 24th of Nov from 10 am to 5 pm

    Kirkevaenget 5, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark

    Buy 4 get 1 free:
    When buying 4 items on the stock sale, you receive the cheapest item for free!

  • Online stock sale

    From the 20th of November to 3rd of December you will be able to receive big discounts at our online stock sale. Save lots of money while helping us avoid waste of great home decor products with minor defects.

    4 for 3
    Buy 4 items and get the cheapest one for 3!

  • What to expect?

    {"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Products on the stock sale are either:","bold":true}]},{"listType":"unordered","type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Exhibition models from trade shows/photo shoots"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"type":"text","value":"2. quality items with cosmetic flaws"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Samples/prototypes"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"\n"},{"type":"text","value":"NB: Stock sale items are non-refundable/non-exchangable","italic":true}]}]}


When is the stock sale?

Online stock sale:
Nov 20-Dec 4

Physical stock sale in Holstebro:
Wednesday the 22nd of Nov from 10am to 5 pm
Thursday the 23rd of Nov from 10 am to 5 pm
Friday the 24th of Nov from 10 am to 5 pm

Where will the physical stock sale take place?

Kirkevaenget 5
7500 Holstebro

Will products sell out quickly?

As the stock sale only includes exhibition models, samples and 2. quality products, every item is only available in a limited amount.

For most products, we have lots in stock. If you are looking for the popular Bubble or Icon candlesticks, the quantity is very limited.

Which items will be available on the stock sale?

Our entire collection will be available on the stock sale - the only exception is our two newest products; Curve Vase Mini and Bubble Sphere Candlestick.

Stock sale items will be:

  • Exhibition models used at fairs/photoshoots
  • 2. quality products with cosmetic flaws
  • Samples/prototypes

How is the return policy?

Items from the stock sale category are non-refundable/non-exchangeable.

If your item is damaged from shipping, you are of course welcome to contact us at for a solution.

Can I buy 1st quality products?

Our normal collection will of course be for sale as well. We do not sell 1st quality products with a discount.


Når du køber varer fra vores lagersalgskategori, hjælper du os med at undgå spild af gode varer med små skønhedsfejl. Hos Stences har vi enormt strenge kvalitetskrav til vores varer for at sikre, at vores produkter altid er tilfredsstillende for vores kunder og kan være til glæde i mange år. Derfor må vi nogle gange frasortere en ellers god vare. Vi kunne ikke drømme om at smide disse varer ud og lade dem gå til spilde. I stedet sælger vi dem nu med stor rabat. Både til glæde for dig og for miljøet.


Produkterne på lagersalget er en blanding af udstillingsmodeller fra f.eks. messer og photoshoots, vareprøver samt 2. sorteringsvarer med ubetydelige fejl. Det kan f.eks. være små ujævnheder i glasuren på vores keramik eller en "for stor" bobbel på en glasvase. Det kan også være en mindre rids eller farveforskel. Fælles for alle varer er dog, at fejlene er svære at få øje på og ikke ses på blot lidt afstand.


Når du køber 4 varer fra lagersalgskategorien, får du automatisk den billigste vare gratis. Dette gælder både online samt på vores fysiske lagersalg i Holstebro.


Produkter i lagersalgskategorien tages ikke retur. Vær derfor opmærksom, hvis du påtænker at give produktet som gave. Til gengæld får du varen til en favorabel pris.